Title: Cee Pootoogook Original Drawing (Inuk Man Riding Bird in Sweater)


Artist: Cee Pootoogook

Size: 49.9 x 65 cm (19.5 x 25.5 inches) measures paper

Type: Original Color Pencil, graphite and ink drawing on paper

Wonderful whimsical and fun original drawing depicting an Inuk man riding a bird in flight, with several tag-a-long birds beside. The bird is being given some edible incentives to take the man on his back for the journey. Original one-of-a-kind Color Pencil, graphite and ink drawing on paper. As shown in photo there are some pencil smudges on the paper, and one pencil line on the lower portion. Someone with a good eraser could clean these before framing and display. (Note that this work of art is on a special limited time consignment from the artist’s co-op in Cape Dorset. Price includes shipping/handling within the North American Continent. For other locations or questions please email us via the contact form. Thank you.)


Availability: 10 in stock

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