Title: Original Owl Drawing by Inuit Artist Laina Geetah


Artist: Laina Geetah

Size: 56.5 x 76.4 cm / approx 22 x 30 inches (measures paper)

Type: Original color pencil and ink Owl Drawing by Inuit Artist Laina Geetah

New Original color pencil and ink Owl Drawing by emerging Inuit Artist Laina Geetah. Dated 2023. The untitled drawing depicts an owl holding up its eyeball in a raised claw, with numerous other eyeballs clutched in claws behind it. Signed by artist on the back. (Note that this work of art is on a special limited time consignment from the artist’s co-op in Cape Dorset. Price includes shipping/handling within the North American Continent. For other locations or questions please email us via the contact form. Thank you.)


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