Title: Composition – Stone Carving by Pitsiulaq Qimirpik


Artist: Pitsiulaq Qimirpik

Size: 5.5 x 5 in

Type: Soapstone Carving with Antler Sculpture

Inuit Artist Original sculpture in stone with antler embellishments. Titled ‘Composition’. Playful multi-layered work with transformation elements on both the base and the standing portion. Totemic and symbolic in nature with both humans and animals depicted on both sides of work. Truly and interesting and imaginative original work of art. (Note that this work of art is on a special limited time consignment from the artist’s co-op in Cape Dorset. Price includes shipping/handling within the North American Continent. For other locations or questions please email us via the contact form. Thank you.)


Availability: 10 in stock